Expert Testimonials
Why skin health professionals love Colorescience

Priti Shah, Clinic Director, explains why she loves Colorescience products and why she provides the Finishing Touch Protocol at BC Laser and Skincare Clinic.

Cosmetic Care Coordinator at Roseville Dermatology, Whitney Moore, speaks about why she loves Colorescience and why she recommends Colorescience product at her practice.

Marcella Anderson, Registered Nurse, tells why she recommends and love Colorescience products at Columbus Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery.

Jennifer Morrissey, Registered Nurse at Destination Aesthetics, reveals why she chooses Colorescience products and uses the Finish Touch Protocol with her patients.

Nicole James, Physician Assistant, explains why she loves Colorescience products and why she provides the the Finishing Touch Protocol at Skin Spectrum.

Kafele T. Hodari, Certified Dermatologist at Rejuvene, explains why he loves Colorescience and why the Finishing Touch is so important to his patients.